Search Foresight launches a Quality Assurance Programme

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As well as listening to the needs and expectations of our customers, the quality of service we deliver has always been our key concern.

So in early 2018, we decided to go even further by launching our own quality assurance programme.

But what does this PAQ (Quality Assurance Programme) cover? And what will it offer our SF clients?

Search Foresight Quality Assurance Programme

Quality is already at the heart of our Search Foresight culture.
We are known for:
– The quality and high added-value of the products and services we deliver
– Our results-oriented attitude
– Our flexibility and client-centred focus
Our quality assurance programme is designed to improve three features of our business:
– to foster a better understanding of reciprocal needs and expectations
– to open up the progress of our mission to external scrutiny
– to improve our focus on common objectives and priorities

What form does it take ?

The PAQ is a mutual commitment concluded between the agency and our clients. It is presented in written form to underpin the success of our missions, and to ensure the satisfaction of all engaged in project dialogues.
The agency is committed to:
– Deliver products and services in due time, and at the expected quality
– Encourage, and take account of, periodic client evaluations to enhance the client’s perception of the quality of the service
The client agrees to:
– Provide access to all necessary information
– Respect the schedule in general, and certain critical deadlines in particular
– Provide appropriate resources

A clear definition of the project

The list of deliverables, the nature of the accompanying measures, the tasks, etc. are refined after a few weeks of operation and the first analyses, in order to make the mission content as relevant and efficient as possible.

In particular, the following mission-monitoring documents are attached to the PAQ:

– a jointly-agreed definition of objectives

– a prioritised list of tasks necessary to achieve these objectives

– a list of expected deliverables for the respective project

– a roadmap and schedule

– the project leadership arrangements

– the content of the reporting